6993200098 Saint Paraskevi, Attica info@home-therapy.gr







Understanding GNI
• Ischemic: blockage of a vessel in the brain
• Hemorrhagic: bleeding in or around the brain

• Movement and balance
It is presented along one side. The person becomes weak or has difficulty walking and has a more general dysfunction in the movement of the arms and legs.
• At the same time there is pain in the muscles and joints.
• More general problems presented by the patient are numbness, problems with vision, swallowing, urination, etc.
Many consequences improve in the first few weeks. However, it is very likely that a restoration program will be needed to restore previous functionality or maintain the rudiments that remain. Improvement in the first period is usually fast but then skills are mastered at a slower rate. People's conditions may continue to improve for months or years.
Physiotherapy plays an important role in rehabilitation. The main goal is to maintain and, by extension, improve the movement of muscles and joints. The program helps maintain muscle tone and range of motion. Depending on the progression of the patient's condition, balance, gait and coordination are retrained.
Important help in rehabilitation is the positive thinking of the person himself, on a second level the familiar environment and finally the appropriate therapist.



  • Age
  • Health problems
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Elevated cholesterol
  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Lifestyle
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Lack of exercise
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Family history

X Hands :
can he raise his arms and both hands? And keep them in this position?
Speech: can he speak clearly and understand what you say? Monkey's speech is slurred?
P Person : can he smile? Is the face symmetrical?
A Ambulance


